A Board Meeting will be held on Tuesday, January 14, 2025 starting at 6:30 pm. This will be a Zoom meeting. HOA members may use the Contact form to request a link and pass code to join the meeting.
The Annual Meeting will be held in late January or early February 2025. Board Member Election: at this annual meeting an election will be held for three of the five board member positions. Board members are elected to serve two year terms. Two board members will be elected at the 2026 annual meeting. The elected board of directors decide among themselves who will fill the HOA officer positions: President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, and director-at-large.
Your homeowners association needs your participation. One of the board members will not be running for reelection and two others may be moving out of the development this coming summer. If you are interested in seving on the Crofton Hills HOA Board of Directors please let us know by contacting the HOA via the Contact Fom.